Skin Care Experiment: Day One

So I used to be a model. Skin care became an important part of that, having someone doing your make up is actually a very intimate experience, especially if they have to cover things up!. I have never had what you would call “good” skin. I have had under eye circles since puberty, then cameContinue reading “Skin Care Experiment: Day One”

In Honor of Donn Deedon a True Renaissance Man

Renaissance Man I truly am a renaissance man. I do all that I say I can. I’ve sampled the brews that twist the soul. I’ve lived and loved like I was out of control. I follow the path that seems right at the time And embrace each dream with a love that’s sublime. I’m anContinue reading “In Honor of Donn Deedon a True Renaissance Man”

If your a musician you should check out Reverbnation!

They have tune widgets that play your songs and videos!     Exclusive dowloads for your fans.     Press widgets A grab box so others can post your music. A store widget to sell merchandise and songs! And the provide many graphic links! Last but not least all these things for promoting are allContinue reading “If your a musician you should check out Reverbnation!”